Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Baked Ham!

I am about 3 weeks behind on this post, but here it is nonetheless!

For Sunday night football, I made baked ham. This is one of the easiest things I have ever made. It makes quite a bit so we had enough for leftovers.

Baked Ham:
Pre-cooked ham (choose whatever size works best for your family)
Brown Sugar

Pre-heat oven to the temperature stated on outside of ham. Put ham on foil lined pan. Make slits across the top of ham and stick cloves all over the top.

For glaze:
Mix equal amount of honey and mustard and 1T of brown sugar. Stir until mixed completely.

Bake ham for time stated on outside of ham. 20 minutes before the ham is complete, add glaze to the ham. Once the ham is finished cooking, remove cloves and slice down.

When we had this I also made mac n cheese and green beans. Try it on a cool day this fall, it is a wonderful and filling meal.

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